Business Insights


    7 February 2024

    Brand differentiation: how smart B2B SMEs build powerful brands

    Brand differentiation is often misunderstood and overlooked. We caught up with two of our Marketing...

    8 January 2024

    Lead generation vs brand awareness: why winning businesses invest in both

    There’s more to marketing than lead generation. Building a great brand can positively impact...

    26 August 2022

    What is a customer persona - and does your business really need one?

    Most customer personas are useless, but yours doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to avoid making the...

    12 August 2019

    How to measure brand awareness

    Find out why measuring brand awareness is important and how to choose the right metrics..

    29 March 2019

    How Marketing Builds Future Exit Value

    Marketing can show buyers that your business is worth more than the competition's - and is...

    Writing on the wall - How to turn your business’ values and vision from words to action
    28 February 2019

    How To Turn Your Business' Vision From Words To Action

    Change doesn't come from setting a new company vision, but from how it's on boarded and implemented.

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    Selling your business - How marketing builds value. Part 5 - Brand
    16 January 2019

    How Brand Value Will Help You Sell Your Business

    Brand value is the hidden deal maker in business negotiations. If you're getting ready to sell,...

    Brand building
    9 November 2018

    Brand Building: What's It All About?

    Brand building has to start internally, and it has to start at the top of the business. So ask...

    7 November 2018

    How building an employee brand can help selling your business

    Your employees and their perception of your business are hard to put a cash price on, but they can...