Business Insights | The Marketing Centre

What’s your business’s Marketing Maturity Score?

Written by Clare Methven | 23 October 2020

A lot of the business owners we work with come to us with the same challenges.

“I want to improve our marketing and grow the business, but I don’t know where to start.”

“I don’t know which parts of our marketing are going well and which aren’t.”

“I’m too close to the action to review objectively how things are going.”

We developed our Marketing 360 Assessment to give business owners a quick and easy way to measure their marketing performance and prioritise areas to work on.

It’s been developed and refined over the course of seven years, with input from our team of over 90 Marketing Directors. We use it with our clients all the time to help them understand their marketing strengths and weaknesses.

If you want to get your Marketing Maturity Score, click here to take our 10-minute questionnaire

You’ll get a detailed report breaking down your performance, full of personalised advice to help you improve any areas where you’re struggling (you can check out a dummy report here).

We also offer a free consultation to help you interpret your results and turn them into an action plan.

If you want more information before you get your score, keep reading to find out:

  • How the Marketing 360 will improve your marketing
  • How we calculate your Marketing Maturity Score

How does the Marketing 360 help improve your marketing?

The Marketing 360 scores you on every aspect of your marketing, from branding right the way through to customer retention (you can find a full list of the areas covered later in this guide).

For instance, your business might score well in ‘Brand’ if you have a distinctive and recognisable brand that’s used consistently across all channels.But you might discover that your lead generation processes are holding back your marketing performance.

In this case, you could pass this on to your marketing team and ask them to respond with a plan for how your business can better improve your:

  • Lead volume
  • Targeting
  • Pipeline visibility
  • Conversion rate measurement
  • Customer experience at first contact

Being able to see all of your scores in one place also makes it easier to prioritise your efforts. Let’s say that you completed the questionnaire and got these results.

You’d be able to see that there are five areas you need to focus as a matter of priority. 

You could then refer to each of these sections in the report to get more information and advice. We’ve also included links in the report to even more content on our website that will help you improve your performance in this area.As mentioned earlier, we’re also offering a free one-hour consultation with our experienced Marketing Directors to help you understand your results and prioritise next steps.

How do we calculate your Marketing Maturity Score?

The Marketing 360 is a simple way of breaking down the marketing process. We start with the four key stages of the marketing process.

1. Define 

Know what your potential customers look like, and what your product or service can do for them.

2. Find 

Identify ways to target them, based on their behaviours and habits.

3. Win

Devise strategies to close sales and create customers.

4. Keep

Monitor customer churn (loss) and create retention activities to remedy it.

We then map separate marketing activities to each of these four pillars. These 12 activities cover the marketing process from start to finish.

One of the reasons that marketing is hard to assess is because it encompasses so many different things. Being able to see all of your marketing activities in one place is the first step to understanding how each of these areas are performing. 

The next step is understanding how each of these areas contributes to your overall marketing success. 

Let’s talk through each of them in turn.

1. Define 


A strong and distinctive brand will help your business stand out among your competitors.


Targeted, relevant and timely communications will help your messages cut through the noise.


Agencies and consultants will help you access the specialist skills you need to market effectively online and offline.


2. Find 


A clear lead generation and nurture process that’s mapped out in advance will allow you to reliably generate new opportunities.


Planning and documenting your marketing strategy will help you be more strategic and think long-term.


Carefully chosen and optimised tools will reduce manual work and help you manage your data better.


3. Win


A clear and documented selling process will help marketing and sales work together better.


Measuring customer acquisition, development and retention will improve these areas over time.


Good governance and compliance policies will keep you out of trouble with regulators.


4. Keep


Targeting existing customers with communications and offers reduces churn.


Identifying and targeting your most profitable customers drives down the cost of sales and marketing.


Building loyalty through customer engagement turns buyers into advocates who drive referrals.

We calculate your Marketing Maturity Score by asking five simple questions for each of these 12 activities. Your answers are then used to calculate a score for each area.

We then combine all of those scores to calculate an average. This is your overall Marketing Maturity Score.

Ready to get your Marketing Maturity Score?

We know how hard it is for business owners to find the time to take a step back and review their marketing performance.

The Marketing 360 takes just 10 minutes to complete and will give you an objective view of what’s going well and what you should focus on. 

Click here to get your Marketing Maturity Score.

If you’ve got any questions about the tool or the report, feel free to get in touch.