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proven fractional CMO.


See what our customers say

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“David got quickly involved with our business and our ambitions for growth, helping us continue to build our brand and develop a marketing strategy that contributed towards positive results for the business. We have been delighted with all of David's work and support"
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"Being able to access high calibre expertise at any time and having our conventional thinking challenged was key to getting the best marketing results for our business. It was also useful to be able to delegate implementation of the strategy to save the time of others in the business and make the most of the talents of The Marketing Centre."
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"Jane was instrumental in helping us define and deliver our marketing strategy. She quickly got to grips with our business and what our proposition needed to be. Without doubt the part-time Marketing Director model is a cost effective way of bringing top level marketing experience into your business."
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"To have the skillset of a proven senior marketer within the business has been a major benefit. It's a no brainer - the relationship has been strong from day one"