Your Guide to How Marketing Builds Future Exit Value
The Step-by-Step Guide on how marketing can show buyers that your business is worth more than the competition.
Founding or buying a business, building value and selling it on is the ultimate goal for many of the business leaders we work with: not just growth for growth’s sake.
Marketing plays an important part in this process, and should be integrated into every aspect or step of your business’ growth story, from when you first craft your brand vision to when you exit the company. Doing so is the key to building business value.
In this step by step guide to building exit value, you will learn how to:
What's marketing got to do with selling a business?
Finding your asking price.
How your business' brand, employer brand, products, services and future routes to market can be scaled up to drive future revenues.
Take a peek inside:

Ready to take
your marketing seriously?
Since 2010, we’ve helped business owners make sense of marketing.
To make smarter decisions and make the most of their investment.
So if you’re tired of switching from one thing to the next hoping one will stick, maybe it’s time to try a different approach.