Your Free ROI calculator 

The Marketing Centre ROMI Calculator 

We know how valuable time is to you, and so we created a calculator to help you evaluate the return on your marketing investments (ROMI) without any hassle.


How it works


Simply input a few numbers relating to your own business in the Pink cells (mainly around your revenue, number of customers and your marketing expense) and our free ROMI Calculator will magically tell you the following 6 crucial measures:


  • Your cost of acquiring new customers (CPA)
  • The lifetime value of your customers (CLV)
  • The churn rate at which you are losing customers
  • The investments you are making in keeping customers (Customer Retention Cost - CRC)
  • Your overall Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
  • The % of your revenue that you are investing in marketing

The more you understand the ROI of your marketing, the more power you have over your future investments. Continue to learn, improve your reporting capabilities and use ROI to improve your campaigns and generate more profit for your company.


We hope you find it useful, if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call on 0208 012 8281 or email


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